Tuesday, October 20

Welcome the the world Christopher Hederi Neyland II

Well, he's here! And we're home trying to get settled in. As you have probably read in the previous post, we we're scheduled to go in Friday morning for the c section. So Thursday night, mom drove up to keep the girls the next morning til the nanny could get there at six. Chris and I were to be at the hospital at 5:30. So, we got everything packed Thursday night and were getting in bed around 11. And as soon as I laid down, I felt "something", so I got up to "investigate" after using the restroom, I laid back down just about the same time Chris laid down. Then I felt "something" again, I got back up to use the restroom again. As I got a thick sheet to put in the bed just in case, I commented to Chris, "I think my water just broke". He asked "how do you know?" and I said "because I feel as if I just peed on myself, but it was totally involuntary. I couldn't stop it. So after a couple minutes of discussion, I called the doctor's office and got a call back from the nurse within minutes. She and I discussed all the possibilities and the situation. I wasn't having regular contractions, and that we were already scheduled to be at the hospital the next morning and that wasn't sure what was happening because with my previous pregnancies my water never broke soooo, I'm in uncharted territory. While we were talking, all doubt was wiped away! :) The "Gush" heard round the world occured!!! So, she said she would informed the hospital that we were on our way. Since I really wasn't in the state to be walking around the house, I called Brooklyn's cell phone. She and mom were in Brooklyn's bed asleep. I told them to come to our room. As soon as they walked in I said "my water just broke!" So, we were headed to the hospital. I was pretty sure that they would not jump into the c section in the middle of the night unless we had no choice, so they should just stay home until I could get there and find out what was happening. So off we went. I had big plans to get up the next morning early shower, shave, put on makeup and be "ready" for the big day, well so much for my big plans! No makeup, no shower, not even a chance to wash my hair. So off we went. We arrived at the hospital, got hooked up to all the monitors and off we went. Luckily, I still had not dilated any since earlier in the day, so we were in no need to hurry things along. I wanted to just try to make it to the next morning as planned. So my doctor would be there and everyone who was planning to meet us there could still be involved. I started having pretty bad contractions around 3am and finally they came in and gave me something to make the contractions stop. But the night was shot. I didn't get any sleep and by the time I actually felt comfortable enough to sleep, it was 5am and everyone started coming in the room getting things prepped for my surgery. When Chris' parents arrived, they had no idea that we had spent the night in the hospital because we never called anyone, since the plans never really changed. Brooklyn and mom arrived and along with Ms. Diane and Mr. Munson, and the gang was all there. It was time to get started. I was taken back and Chris was finally able to join me and within about 20 minutes, so did Baby Christopher Hederi Neyland II. He was perfect. He came into the world really crying, which was great, because we were a little concerned with his lung development. No worries after that. He scored 9 and 10 on his 1 and 5 minutes APGAR tests. He was born at 7:42 am and weighed 6lbs. 4 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.
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1 comment:

The Davidsons said...

So excited for you! :o) He's beautiful! I had no idea the nighttime drama had occured...so glad everything turned out great and that he is healthy and doing well. :o) Take care of yourself and that beautiful boy!