Wednesday, January 28

Facebook vs. Blog

I joined Facebook last week and I am still trying to decide what I think about it. I like that I can find & keep in touch with people I haven't seen in a long time, but then again it SO public. I guess I will just have to get used to it. I'm trying, but I really would rather just blog! Anyway, I was tagged again, this time on Facebook, but because I'm biased to blogging I carried the information over.

Here is how this one goes-- Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random facts about yourself. At the end of the note, tag 25 people. You are supposed to tag the person who tagged you, too.

So here goes....

1. I love boardgames, I even had a Boardgame tournament for my 30th birthday!
2. I have had 3 knee surgeries, all on my left knee.
3. My 10 y/0, Brooklyn, has been to more US states than me.
4. I owned a Harley Davidson motorcycle several years ago.
5. Currently, I am addicted to chapstick.
6. Currently, I am addicted to reading the "Twlight" books.
7. Currently, I am addicted to drinking plain margarita mix every night.
8. I organize my closet by colors.
9. I love the smell of gardenias.
10. I love planning children's birthday parties, We already have themes selected for this year's parties! And they are not until July & October--How crazy is that?
11. I have had 9 different vehicles since I got my drivers license.
12. Brooklyn & I can wear the same shoes.
13. I am looking forward to going to the beach this summer.
14. I write everything down on my calendar, it serves as a diary more than a calendar.
15. I can sleep with the TV on, as long as I am on the couch, but if I'm in bed, the TV on drives me crazy. I use a sleep mask when Chris wants the TV on and I'm in bed. I think that falls into the category of making sacrifices for the one you love :)
16. I love being a mom.
17. I don't understand the switch to Digital that goes to happen in February.
18. I am Brooklyn's class room mom.
19. I like playing Blackjack.
20. I love this time of the year because of all the good TV that is on. It makes my week so busy. Monday- The Bacholer, Tuesday- American Idol, Wednesday- American Idol, Thursday- Bones, Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice, Friday- anything that I didn't have time to watch during the week (thanks DVR!)
21. I need more motivation to workout.
22. My Wii fit age was SPOT ON- 30!
23. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem only using my tongue.
24. I dislike outdoor yard work.
25. I love my family!

I am tagging the following bloggers Brooklyn, Missy, Cathy

What does the lion say?

Ally is still loving bathtime. She now even goes and gets in the tub even when there's no water in it. Also, she has learned what the lion says. You should here is "ferocious" growl! It's more like a purr. So cute!


I know, I know.... This is suppose to be for the teen reading audience, but I am seriously addicted! I have read the first 2 books of the series in 2.5 days, and now I am already a third thru the 3rd book! Brooklyn is also reading the series. She is almost half thru the 1st book. This is seriously not my normal reading material, I'm more of a Nicholas Sparks or Greg Iles type girl, but I can't help myself. I'm addicted to the books as "Bella" is to "Edward"! Now I hate that we missed the movie when it was out in the theaters. It won't be out on DVD until March, so I guess I'll just have to wait.

\ UPDATE!!! I finished ALL 4 books in 9 days and now I am upset that there are no more. I read online that there is a 5th in the works, however, the manuscript was leaked on the web, now the author has put the whole thing on hold :( So for now American Idol and The Bacholer and Lincee from will have to be my obsession.

Happy Birthday Tracy!

Saturday evening, we rode down to McComb to have dinner with the family for Tracy's birthday.
We didn't stay very long, just thru dinner at Santa Fe Steakhouse, but we had a great time.

Wednesday, January 21

Final score.....

After an amazing season, and after an even more amazing game, HouseWorks Crew came up "a little" short tonight as the SMCSO Sparks defeated us with a score of 1-0!!!! Can you believe that? It was an awesome game and the Sparks finally broke the 0-0 score with only 3.5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. It was truly a great game and we are sooo proud of our girls. They really hustled tonight and were very deserving of the awards they recieved. Thanks to all the parents, players and coaches that made this a good season. We would also like to send "get well wishes" to our team member, Courtney. She was diagnosed with Strep today and was unable to play with us tonight. We missed you girl. Get well soon.

U10 Girls Runner-up
(back row)Coach Billy, Darby, Caitlyn, Kate Russell, Hailey, Coach Chris
(front row) Alyssa, Hannah Kate, Brittany, Anna Claire, Brooklyn

I hope everyone enjoyed the End of the Season party we had after the game. Both teams had one party next door at The Park on the River! They sure looked like they had a ball.

The true definition of SPORTSMANSHIP!
Way to go girls!
A season may only last a couple of months, but the friendships made on the field last forever!

Tuesday, January 20

Soccer Championship Game Wednesday Night!

Brooklyn's soccer team is playing for the Championship tomorrow night at Performance Sports Academy indoor soccer facility. Currently, they are in 2nd place out of 11 teams. We have only lost 1 games this season and it was to the team we have to play tomorrow, however, during the game we lost, the final score was 4-3 and that included a goal that one of our players score in our own goal, so REALLY we would have tied them and would have a better record than they do. But that's water under the bridge. We are excited about the game because regardless of then outcome we had a GREAT season.

18 months old today!!

Can you believe that Ally Harper is 18 months old today? We went for her check up this morning and the Dr. said she is perfect! She was 23 lbs and 32" tall, which places her in the 25% and 50% respectfully. I was very pleased with the visit. I thought she would be below the 25% in weight, because Lord knows she doesn't eat anything, so 25th sounded good to me. She also had to get a couple of shots, but was such a big girl. She only cried for a second or two, but she did shoot the nurse one of the "Neyland glares" before she left :(

Thursday, January 15

I've been tagged!

Thanks to my friend, Missy I've been tagged. So, here goes. These are the instructions: Go to my picture folder on my computer, go to the fourth folder and the fourth picture in that folder, post it, and explain cheating.

Well I had to cheat because... you see I save all my photos on a thumb drive NOW since Missy's husband, Chris, made me move them all from his beloved Trustmark K:/ drive several months ago. So I had to go to my thumb drive, then to my "photos" folder then to my 4th folder, then my 4th photo and low and behold what to my wondering eyes should appear but a couple of dancing jail birds smiling ear to ear!!
This photo was taken at Brooklyn and her cousin Gabby's dance rectial in June 2006. They danced to "Jail House Rock"! How CUTE are they!!!

Now, I am suppose to tag 4 others, but I only have a couple of people that are bloggers. So here's to Brooklyn & Cathy Lowe. You've been tagged!

Tuesday, January 13

Magdalena Grace Roberts

Please keep sweet Magdalena's family in your prayers. She went to be with the Lord today after only 5 short but meaningful months of life. Magdalena suffered from Edward's Syndrome as known as Trisomy 18.

I do not personally know this family, but definitely been blessed by the chance to "get to know them" through their blog. I encourage you to read their entire story at You will receive a blessing! You will learn how important it is to celebrate life EVERYDAY, because no one is promised tomorrow. God bless this sweet family and may they be comforted by those of us who have come to "know" and love them.

New Experiences

New Experiences!

Ally & I went to visit Cynthia last Thursday and after we left Lauren's, we stopped by the Reunion playground. Ally Harper had never had the opportunity to swing or slide. She had the BEST time! I didn't think I would ever get her to leave.

Then on Saturday night, I cooked steaks & corn on the cob on the grill, I really didn't expect for Ally to eat the corn, because the last time I attempted to feed her corn, she just spit it out. But this time, she confiscated Chris' ear of corn. She LOVED it :), so yeah!!! Another food to add to her menu- so that makes about 3 things she'll eat :)

Monday, January 5

Ally's new play space

Another gift that Ally Harper got for Christmas was a pop up playhouse. Also, back in July she got a couple of pop up tunnels, so today after I took down all the Christmas decorations, I decided to assemble the pop up mansion. It reached from one side of the room to the other. Ally would crawl in and out and thru the tunnels over and over. She even took some books in there to look at.

Hotty Toddy!! OLE MISS 47- TEXAS TECH 34

Way to go REBELS!! We had such a great time in Dallas, and with the BIG win, it just made it all the better. We cheered and chanted so much at the game, that we were both hoarse on the ride home.

Happy New Years 2009!!!

Happy New Years!!!

Kimberly & Cathy

Cathy & Jason

Jason, Cathy, Cory, Chris, Brad & Kimberly
celebrating New Years at Dick's Last Resort
Wishing everyone a very happy new year. Chris and I celebrated the new year in the BIG D! We were fortunate enough to have several friends in Dallas with us, so we had a few nights of (kid-free) partying. After a lovely dinner in the Highland Park Village, Chris and I joined the rest of the crew at Dick's Last Resort to ring in the new year.