Sunday, January 10

Fire forks!

Ally Harper is such a picky eater, but every now and then, she will surprise you. I took her to Nagoya a couple of weeks ago and she ate her weight! She loves going there. She calls it fire fire, because they cook on the hibachi grill and she gets so excited. She had my soup, a scrabbled egg, all her rice, most of my broccoli and even some of my zucchini. I also gave her a pair of chopsticks to use and she loved them. I didn't break them apart so they just pinched the food and she could eat with them. It worked great so we brought some home. The next morning I scrabbled her an egg and when I handed her the chop sticks she screamed "FIRE FORKS!" It was so cute and funny. She seriously cracked me up!

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