Thursday, January 28

Brooklyn's injured knee :(

A couple of weeks ago Brooklyn began complaining that her left knee was hurting. I really didn't give it much thought at first just figured it was a bruise or something. Well after several days and several complaints I decided I should at least take her to the ortho doctor, in case there was something truly wrong. Everyone knows that I have a bummed knee (already had 3 surgeries), so I really didn't want it to be something wrong and us not get it addressed, so off to see Dr. Barrett at Mississippi Sports Medicine.

Well it's a good thing we went. After x-rays, they were able to see that her left patella (kneecap) is dislocated. This is probably due to a stretched tendon in her knee and also could be contributed to her age and immature skeletal system.

So treatment is:
1) wearing specialized knee brace during any activity
2) Aleve for pain management
3) physical therapy 3 times a week for 4 weeks

And the doctor will re-evaluate in 4 weeks.

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