Monday, January 25

The Bachelor-- now that's good TV!

So tonight I was watching The Bachelor, when I heard Chris comment "I can't wait for the episode when they all catch mono!" I nearly spewed V8 Splash across the room. I know he doesn't like the show; however, he was at the computer paying enough attention to make comments! Anyway, after his comment, he proceeded to come into the den to lecture me on what good and funny TV is. I informed him the only reason I still watch this train wreck is because "my friend Lincee" writes the funniest blog dedicated to the show and it is the highlight of the week to read it. I don't even erase the episode until I read her blog, because she always catches something I didn't. I told him that she writes the funniest things, and he said "even funnier than me?" Ummm YEAH! Well then he said that he would write me something funny and I say "bring it on". Next comment was priceless----

Chris says.............."I'm going to write a review of tonight's dinner!"

(You had to be there because that's a whole other story :( new dish gone wrong) but I couldn't deny that his comment was pretty darn funny. And then a few minutes later- I heard him mumbling in the kitchen "I'm still hungry".

Poor guy! But at least dish gone wrong brought some satisfaction- our daily dose of laughter :)

AND JAKE KEPT VIENNA????? What's up with that?

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