Wednesday, September 30

Halloween 2009

Since we will be having the baby about a week before Halloween, I had to go ahead and get prepared before hand. So this morning while Ally Harper has been napping, I have been sewing. Ally got a Mrs. Potato Head for her birthday and plays with it pretty often, and since Toy Story is coming back to the theaters this week, I thought why not let the babies be Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head for Halloween this year. I am actually VERY pleased with the way they turned out. I will put a white long sleeve, gloves, and tights on AH and then Christopher (who won't be going trick or treating, but had to have his first costume) will just wear a white sleeper under his little potato sack! I will add a photo of Ally Harper wearing her costume when she wakes up. I Hope she likes it. As for Brooklyn, she is going to be the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and she is making most of her costume. Photos of that will have to come later.

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