Wednesday, September 23

Almost ready for Christopher

I have been hard at work each day preparing more and more for baby Christopher's arrival. I have finally got their room in order, things hung on the wall, beds where I want them, mirror hung, etc... I have also got out all the BIG stuff like the swing, playpen, bassinet, stroller, carseat, etc... and everything is washed and baby fresh. I decided it may be a good idea to get these things done a little early just so Ally Harper can adjust to all the "new" stuff in her room and her house! So far so good. She has started to realize that these new things are for the baby, even though I know she doesn't really understand what this "baby" means! Anyway, the day I got out some of her old things, she automatically claimed the Boppy vibrating seat (see the last pic). Which I guess if she is going to claim something that would be the thing since it's the only pink item and Chris said Christopher couldn't sleep in a pink bed :{ Me, I say who cares. Throw a blanket over it and be done, but whatever. Maybe he talked AH into claiming it on purpose- LOL. So here are a few more pic's of their room with wall hangings and such. Things are finally starting to come together which is a good thing considering we only have 29 MORE DAYS!!!

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