Wednesday, September 23

34 week checkup this morning....

Went to the doctor again this morning and everything checked out good. Heartbeat was good and strong at 134 beats, my BP was good and I hadn't gained any weight :) that made me happy! Even though I have done really well with that throughout the pregnancy. I go back in 2 weeks, and then I will start going every week. But after the next visit, I think I will only go back one more time before scheduled delivery date, so things are coming down to the wire. I will have another sono in 2 weeks, so we will get an accurate weight and know more about him. Can't wait til that comes. I really wonder how much more hair he has grown. I think he is going to come into this world with more hair than AH had at a year old. Which wouldn't be a surprise. Chris' mom had to cut his sister's hair in the hospital she came here with so much.

I am also getting excited about the baby shower we are having in a couple of weeks. Can't wait. I get to go home and see fmaily and friends and enjoy good food and fellowship. It's also a sports related theme, so I can't wait to see how everything turns out. I'll make sure to take lots of pics. I also will try to get Chris or Brooklyn to take a picture of the baby belly. This is something that I never think to do. During each pregnancy, I claim in the beginning that I am going to document my growth, but NEVER do it, so I neeed to get a picture since this "may" be our last baby. :) Well til next time, Love you all.

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