Wednesday, March 11

It's POTTY time!

Starting last week, we decided that it's about potty training time, so I started putting Ally Harper on the big potty a couple of times a day to introduce her to the whole thing. She has done both "tee tee" and "poo poo" in the big potty. So, yesterday I went ahead a bought her a potty chair and some "Big Girl Panties" aka Pull-Ups. As of last night, she did "tee tee" in it, and then tonight she did both! So far, so good!


Chonda said...

Potty trainning is a must since you will have one on the way in diapers....I've tried to tell my sis in law that...maybe she'll get busy before #3 gets here in August

Anonymous said...

anna started using the ''potty'' just a week ago!!!!!!!!!!!1 :)