Saturday, March 21

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We got up early Saturday morning and took the kids to the St. Patty's Pet and Kid's Parade.

Brooklyn entered Oxford in the pet parade and he pranced down the street with the rest of the animals. There were even ponies in it this year!

I couldn't resist taking a couple of pictures of Ally playing in the grass with the clovers!

Then for the kid's parade, Brooklyn and our cousin Hayden, pulled Ally in a wagon. I had hoped that Ally would wave and blow kisses, but after Inky the clown gave her a magic wand, that was all that she wanted to play with.

The weather was fantastic and I think we all had a great time except for Oxford. I think he would have rathered stayed home.


Anonymous said...

You're finally included within a picture!!

Anonymous said...

that looks like it is so much fun! i live in denver, colorado so its too cold to have parades like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1