Saturday, November 28

A memorable drive down to Granny's

After having lunch at The Neyland's, we loaded up and headed to the country, aka Franklin county. It takes about 2 hours of travel time to make the trip and all the kids did a great job travelling. As we were approaching the Franklin county line, a highway patrol came around a curve with blue lights flashing. And yes, they were flashing for us. So Chris pulls over and M21 comes up to the window and asks for licenses and then retreats back to his patrol car. In the meantime, Ally Harper (who was sporting her "Kramer"hair) was watching the situation, obviously very intently. As the cop hands Chris the ticket (65 in a 55mph zone) Chatty Patty in her car seat blurts out "CHICKY FRIES" "CHICKY FRIES". That poor baby thought we were at a drive thru and she was getting her some chicken nuggets and fries! Guess that means we eat at Wendy's at little too often :) IT WAS HILARIOUS!! INSTANT CLASSIC ALLY HARPER MOMENT!!!!
Christopher must have thought it was pretty funny too, we caught him smiling just after that.
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