Thursday, January 15

I've been tagged!

Thanks to my friend, Missy I've been tagged. So, here goes. These are the instructions: Go to my picture folder on my computer, go to the fourth folder and the fourth picture in that folder, post it, and explain cheating.

Well I had to cheat because... you see I save all my photos on a thumb drive NOW since Missy's husband, Chris, made me move them all from his beloved Trustmark K:/ drive several months ago. So I had to go to my thumb drive, then to my "photos" folder then to my 4th folder, then my 4th photo and low and behold what to my wondering eyes should appear but a couple of dancing jail birds smiling ear to ear!!
This photo was taken at Brooklyn and her cousin Gabby's dance rectial in June 2006. They danced to "Jail House Rock"! How CUTE are they!!!

Now, I am suppose to tag 4 others, but I only have a couple of people that are bloggers. So here's to Brooklyn & Cathy Lowe. You've been tagged!

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