Sunday, February 28

Pippy and Pals

So... we cleaned out some of the garage last week and AH found all of Brooklyn's Madam Alexander dolls. So they are on display in her room now. Well today she came running thru with the "Pippy Longstocking" doll. I told her who it was and she started repeating it. "Hey Pippy", "it's Pippy", etc. so I decided I would let her watch Brooklyn's old Pippy DVD and make her a Pippy costume. SHe was soo cute, I couldn't help but take lots of pics. Later while we were sitting around Saturday afternoon when Chris heard some voices in the backyard. It was Randa, along with Chris and Aiden Brunetti. The Brunetti "men" were in town visiting while Jennifer was in New Orleans participating the the Marathon. It also happened to be Aiden's 2nd birthday. So Ally Harper really enjoyed sharing her swing set with Aiden. She never gets to have company over and I was pleasently surprised at how well she did share :) WTG AH!! Randa and James had planned to cook out for dinner, so the kids stayed at our house while the guys cooked across the street and then they brought all the food over. Along with a cake for Aiden! I dug out birthday suppllies and a few happies and we turned the evening into a true birthday party. I think the kids really had a BLAST. I know mine slept like a champ last night!
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