Wednesday, December 16

Christmas at the "KRANKS"

Christmas at the Kranks has been changed to Christmas with the Cranky! Brooklyn was a colicky baby for the first 4 months of her life. She would cry if you looked at her wrong. There were many nights I would load her in the car and travel the interstate from one exit to the next, only to turn around and head back the other way, over and over and over. It was hard, but once it was over, it was over. She was a dream when it came to her toddler years and truth be known she is still a great kid. And then came Ally Harper. It took us a while to even figure out that she knew how to cry. She spoiled us big time because she came here a happy baby and has remained one ever since. She may be full of energy and a little high strung, but it doesn't get any happier! And now we are faced with Christopher. He isn't colicky like B, but he is a cranky baby most of the time. I shouldn't say that about him, he really is just spoiled and wants to be held all the time, but when you do put him down he turns into a CRANK! Anyway, the other night, Chris thought he had found the cure. Christopher was crying and Chris was up walking him around when he came close to the TV where there happened to be a soccer game on. As soon as they got close, Christopher quit crying and as long as he stood there with him he was happy. So Chris decided why not put him in the Boppy seat in front of the TV. This is surely going to work! RIGHT?
Notice the look on Chris' face. He was telling me "I have found the solution!"
Yeah, right!! That lasted all of 10 seconds! Then it was back to crying, so Chris picked him back up and sat down in the chair closest to the TV. He should be able to see soccer from here, right?Yeah right again! This is how that little solution turned out. Back standing in front of the TV! Did I mention Christopher is a little spoiled??

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