Saturday, January 30

Potty trained in 3 days or your money back!

This is THE END of diapers for ALLY HARPER!!!
So, I decided that it was time for Ally Harper to be potty trained. We started this several months before Christopher arrived, but she didn't seem to be interested so, I decided to just wait until after he arrived. I had heard so many people talk about how children regress when a new baby arrives, so I didn't want to go through all the trouble, just to have to start over. But now I am dedicated to getting this done. So I did some research online and finally decided to purchase this eBook that guarantees you can have your child trained in 3 days or your money back. So what do I have to lose! So here goes.

Saturday, January 30th
Started 3 day potty training this morning
Put AH in panties and she through all the pull ups in the trash!

1st accident-- tee tee'd and poo'd in panties, sat on potty for a minutes, but nothing happened so we flush the poo and put on clean panties.

2nd accident-- tee tee'd while lying down on blanket watching Barney. Put blankets in the wash and AH in the tub.

Next up, lunch, then nap time!

Tee tee'd in potty 1st time before nap time, but then never went to sleep.

Checked on her several times, she was just lying in the bed. After a while, I checked her again, and she had tee tee'd in bed. Changed sheets and panties and now time for round 2. Will update later!
Gonna be a LONGGGG 3 days :)

3:15pm- got AH from her room, never took a nap, but did tee tee in potty when she got up!

4:15- Reminded AH to tell me if she needed to potty and she took off toward the bathroom, so I put her on the potty and she tee teed again. So we are sitting at 50% right now.

Note to self: BE PERSISTENT!!!! Currently it's 4:41pm

5:35pm: Reminded Ally Harper to tell mommy when she needed to potty, and she took off toward the bathroom, so I went with her and she tee tee'd!!! Yeah! So this makes us a little better than 50% now, but as I was posting this update, she walks up next to me and I hear tee tee hitting the floor, so I scoop her up and rush her to the potty but she left it all on the floor :( so we're back at 50%, but I'll take it. Because she is learning for sure! Fun times. (6:22)

Dinner time came and went, next up was bath time. Took her to the potty before bath time and she didn't hesitate. Next stop- bath.

After bath, we did the pj thing then had a little night time milky before brushing teeth and trying to potty one more time. She didn't want to potty this time, so we went back into the den and rocked a couple of minutes. Then I asked her if she wanted to go show brother how she pottys like a big girl and she took off. Used the potty without any hesitation and then climbed right into her bed! Perfect :) I consider today a success especially since we finished up better than 50%. We had 4 accidents and 5 successful runs, now if she can make it thru the night without wetting the bed. Keeping my fingers crossed. More to come tomorrow! Good night!

Sunday, January 31
2am-- I woke up because I heard Ally Harper say something in her bed, so I ran in there and scoop her up and she tee tee'd on the potty with no problem and then went straight back to bed. Perfect! Then she slept thru the night and I didn't hear her again until 7:50. When I went into her room this morning, she was STILL DRY!!!! YEAH ALLY HARPER. I took her straight to the potty but she was not able to do anything at the time. She had her morning cup of chac ka lot (chocolate milk) and then when I told her to let me know if she needed to potty, so took off to the bathroom. Christopher and I were right on her heals. She tried a couple of minutes, but]then wanted me to put the baby down. I left her on the potty for just a second while I put Christopher in his crib, but when I got back AH asked for tissue. She wiped then flushed and said bye bye to her tee tee. I'm really not sure if she did anything, but whatever. Still dry panties!

10:30am-- we ran to the bathroom and she pottied with not problem. Can you believe we are still wearing the SAME Minnie Mouse panties from last night at 8pm??

To be continued.......

12:00pm-- had 1st accident of the day! You would know it would happen while sitting on the couch too :{ Better luck next time.

Note to self: Patience is key!!!!!

Another accident, but at least she stands still and yells for you when it happens. I am able to get her straight to the potty, but again, she left it all on the floor.

2:00-- wants to go outside to play, but told her she must tee tee first, and she did :)
Daddy brought her in after a while, but didn't need to potty then, so back outside. Next time they came in I took her to potty and viola!!! Tee tee in the Potty!!!! Good girl, now back outside--3:05

4:30-- tried to take a nap, but had NO interest in that. She asked for a cup of milk and I told her she must tee tee first and she did! Laid her back down, but as of 5:15 still wide awake so she is now watching TV.

5:35pm-- Brooklyn came home and was congratulating AH on her success, so I said lets go show sister how you tee tee in the potty, and again she took off to the bathroom and tee tee'd without a problem.

Wasn't able to get AH to potty after dinner tonight; however, she did potty before bed time, so keep your fingers crossed that tonight goes as well as last night.

Day 3:
Monday, February 1
Well, all was good until 5 am when I heard AH calling for me. She had tee tee'd in the bed :( so we change clothes and sheets, but then she wasn't going back to bed. I turned on a video for her but that still wasn't good enough so Chris got up with her. She did potty for him once already this morning, so I guess were tied 1-1. More to come later. 7:00am

Day 3 update:
Ally Harper made it all day without an accident, except for the one she had at 5am. So proud of her. She even made #2 tonight in the potty! Here's to another good night (hopefully). 8:45pm

Tee tee'd before bed and then off a sleep.

Thursday, February 4th- 2 complete nights and days without an accident!!!! So proud of her.

Thanks for reading and riding the journey of potty train with us.

Thursday, January 28

Brooklyn's injured knee :(

A couple of weeks ago Brooklyn began complaining that her left knee was hurting. I really didn't give it much thought at first just figured it was a bruise or something. Well after several days and several complaints I decided I should at least take her to the ortho doctor, in case there was something truly wrong. Everyone knows that I have a bummed knee (already had 3 surgeries), so I really didn't want it to be something wrong and us not get it addressed, so off to see Dr. Barrett at Mississippi Sports Medicine.

Well it's a good thing we went. After x-rays, they were able to see that her left patella (kneecap) is dislocated. This is probably due to a stretched tendon in her knee and also could be contributed to her age and immature skeletal system.

So treatment is:
1) wearing specialized knee brace during any activity
2) Aleve for pain management
3) physical therapy 3 times a week for 4 weeks

And the doctor will re-evaluate in 4 weeks.

Tuesday, January 26

More Disney costumes

Granny's Cinderella costume she made for Ally Harper. Thanks Granny!

Ally Harper's Minnie Mouse costume Granny made!

Monday, January 25

The Bachelor-- now that's good TV!

So tonight I was watching The Bachelor, when I heard Chris comment "I can't wait for the episode when they all catch mono!" I nearly spewed V8 Splash across the room. I know he doesn't like the show; however, he was at the computer paying enough attention to make comments! Anyway, after his comment, he proceeded to come into the den to lecture me on what good and funny TV is. I informed him the only reason I still watch this train wreck is because "my friend Lincee" writes the funniest blog dedicated to the show and it is the highlight of the week to read it. I don't even erase the episode until I read her blog, because she always catches something I didn't. I told him that she writes the funniest things, and he said "even funnier than me?" Ummm YEAH! Well then he said that he would write me something funny and I say "bring it on". Next comment was priceless----

Chris says.............."I'm going to write a review of tonight's dinner!"

(You had to be there because that's a whole other story :( new dish gone wrong) but I couldn't deny that his comment was pretty darn funny. And then a few minutes later- I heard him mumbling in the kitchen "I'm still hungry".

Poor guy! But at least dish gone wrong brought some satisfaction- our daily dose of laughter :)

AND JAKE KEPT VIENNA????? What's up with that?

Sunday, January 24

Mirror, mirror on the wall............

Who's the fairest one of all? Ally Harper is!!! We are planning our trip to Disney World, so I am introducing Ally Harper to all of the princesses and characters she not familiar with. This is the first costume we have bought and she loved it! Granny has also made her a Minnie Mouse costume. It's too cute. I will try to post a pic of it soon.
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Friday, January 22

First pair of pointe shoes!

After nine years of dance instruction, Brooklyn has finally about to start dancing on pointe. We went this afternoon and had her fitted for her first pair of toe shoes (pointe shoes). She was so excited. Usually it takes a good while to find the best shoe and the best fit. There was a classmate of Brooklyn's there, and took her about 20 pair of shoes and about an hour to finish. When it came Brooklyn's turn, it only took about 25 minutes, and I think she ended up with the first pair she tried on. (However, she tried on about 10 -12 pair). Now Monday, we will let her dance teacher check the fit and if all is well, I'm sure I will have her dancing around the house all the time! Love it!

Update: Shoes approved! Let the dancin' begin!
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Wednesday, January 20

A day at the park

If you can't tell, there was some serious playing going on this afternoon!

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Monday, January 18

Welcome to the world Baby Bruin!

Our great friends, Doug and Amy, from Nashville welcomed their 3rd baby into the world on January 15. Bruin Travis Boyles weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great and we can't wait to meet him! Also welcoming Bruin home are big brother Carter and big sister Loxley.

Sunday, January 10

Fire forks!

Ally Harper is such a picky eater, but every now and then, she will surprise you. I took her to Nagoya a couple of weeks ago and she ate her weight! She loves going there. She calls it fire fire, because they cook on the hibachi grill and she gets so excited. She had my soup, a scrabbled egg, all her rice, most of my broccoli and even some of my zucchini. I also gave her a pair of chopsticks to use and she loved them. I didn't break them apart so they just pinched the food and she could eat with them. It worked great so we brought some home. The next morning I scrabbled her an egg and when I handed her the chop sticks she screamed "FIRE FORKS!" It was so cute and funny. She seriously cracked me up!

Sunday, January 3

RUN DMC!!!! We love Dexter!

We sat around the house this year to watch the Cotton Bowl. And even though we were proud of the victory, we were also glad we didn't go this year. What a terrible game. I had a tension headache before it was over, but I'm sure that is nothing compared to what I would have had if we would have made the trip. Christopher cries so bad in the car, that we all would have had a migraine grade headache before we made it to Dallas. When the game ended, I looked at Chris and said "oh, I'm so glad to be at home already". And how did we celebrate the win you may ask. How else, we went and ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel! I know that's pretty random, but that's what momma wanted :)